From the Bottom of our hearts, we thank you!
Well folks, it is in the books for the UCAN City mission’s 1st annual fundraising event held on Saturday the 21st of September. There were many laughs had by all while getting the word out there for the need of helping the men who stay at the mission. There was a great turnout of people on such a beautiful evening at the Lucille Ball Theater. We, here at the mission, wanted to share our deep appreciation for all who were a part of such an evening. To the board, staff, and volunteers, thank you everyone for your service leading up to and through this successful night. Thank you to ALL our sponsors that so generously donated and continue to do so. Thank you to the staff and management for allowing us the use of Events by Scott at 31 Main and the Lucille Ball Theater. Thank you to all of you who attended and made it possible to have an audience to have a show for and your continued donations. We are excited for what the Lord has in store for the mission and the future events to support it! We will keep you posted as the next one draws near! Thank you and God bless each of you!
John Lindberg
How about posting some history and pictures of the old Union Rescue Mission beginning with it’s conversion from a hotel to the mission?
We can certainly do that. We don’t have a lot of materials available to us to use to do that. If you know of some people that would have those, please feel free to share. We can also get the word out there to have people share. Thank you for sharing!