Hi Shari. Sorry for the very delayed response. The executive Director has been given your email address to reach out to you in response to your interest in volunteering to help with “Thank You” notes. We thank you for your interest in helping the UCAN City Mission.
Hi Carrie. Sorry for the very delayed response. The executive Director has been given your email address to reach out to you in regard to your interest in volunteering to help with “Thank You” notes. We thank you for your interest in helping the UCAN City Mission.
Shari Spinler
Do you still need someone to write thank-you notes? I can put a few hours a week into it.
Hi Shari. Sorry for the very delayed response. The executive Director has been given your email address to reach out to you in response to your interest in volunteering to help with “Thank You” notes. We thank you for your interest in helping the UCAN City Mission.
Carrie Hart
Sending thank-you notes is definitely something I’m able to do! Just email me and let me know how I can help!
Hi Carrie. Sorry for the very delayed response. The executive Director has been given your email address to reach out to you in regard to your interest in volunteering to help with “Thank You” notes. We thank you for your interest in helping the UCAN City Mission.