September 21: Comedy Night to Fight Homelessness. Don’t Miss Out!

September 21 needs to be marked on your calendar as a night to remember. Not only will you be laughing until you cry but will be helping a great cause. Matt Fore is a Humorist, Writer, Speaker and award winning Comedic illusionist who routinely serves as the main stage performer for Corporate, Association and Faith based events around the country as he has for more than twenty-four years. He will be coming to the capital of comedy, Jamestown, New York, for a fun loving, good humored, knee slapping, side splitting night of comedy, chalked full of incredible mind stumping illusions that will leave your head spinning. This is bound to be a fun night for all ages! All proceeds go to the UCAN City Mission to help feed, house, and advocate for the homeless in Chautauqua County. To purchase tickets or receive more information, click on the link below! Can’t wait to see you there!

If you, your friends, your church, your organization or business would like to go one step further and help sponsor the event in a generous way, please contact the Mission for more information. You may also download the form and information through the following link:

To see some of Matt Fore here is a link: