Another season and many things have been slowly transitioning here at The UCAN City Mission. Please check out our latest’s newsletters that have been posted. As we take a look at the new season we are walking through right now and what can be expected for the future. We can not help but be excited about the newness of life and vision at UCAN.
Is there understanding? Where discipline thrives, freedom multiplies! Remember that there is a difference between discipline and punishment. Discipline in this case means “training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character.” “a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity.” As the old saying goes, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” is often true of the work that goes on here at the UCAN City Mission, even during these uncertain times. We provide emergency services, such as toiletries, laundry and food, a safe place to sleep, and referrals to help men not only get back on their feet, but move forward in a positive direction. The one thing we cannot provide, however, is the will to do the work to maintain that positive direction.
Our rules and regulations have been established within our program to maintain safety, security, and structure, as well as provide guidance and a sense of “buy in” on the part of our guests. What is normally not seen by the community or people on the outside is many times, some men may feel like they are above the rules or responsibilities, or that they just don’t apply to them. We have a written warning system, similar to a “three strikes” protocol, and due to the often delicate balance we are upholding regarding the personalities and issues in the shelter at any given time, hard decisions have to be made.
We help everyone we can, in every way that we can, but sometimes it becomes painfully obvious that the men may not be ready to help themselves. We offer as much grace, truth, and hope as we can, along with all the practical help we extend to put these men in a position to begin or continue to make choices that better serve them. For some, it is often easier or more comfortable to return to familiar habits or ways of dealing with their current situations.
We do know, however, that through Jesus Christ first of all, and the help of a supportive network of caring people, change can be made and the trajectory of a life can begin to move in a positive direction. Nobody is ever too lost to be found!
The UCAN City Mission was blessed by children and teachers of the community at the end of July this year. Through the week of July 22-25 children and teachers gathered at the JCC campus for 4 days of day camp. We were blessed by the fruit of that camp. Here are their words from the “Craft it Forward” class. Kids’ College Class Gives Back to the Community Kids’ College, an annual summer educational experience offered for children ages 8 to 12 by Jamestown Community College, inspired participants to help several local community organizations in one of 24 sessions offered during this program. In “Craft It Forward”, the kids devoted their time to making specialty items to donate to four local organizations: Lutheran, senior living facility; New Leash On life (NLOL), animal rescue and sanctuary; St. Susan Center, soup kitchen; and UCAN City Mission. Items made included: non-slip socks and cards for Lutheran residents; dog, cat and bird toys for NLOL; artwork and laminated placemats for St. Susan Center; and no-sew blankets for UCAN City Mission. “This class was an amazing opportunity for our youth to give back to our community,” commented Carrie Southard, Kids’ College instructor, “the kids absolutely loved making items for our local organizations. They put much effort into each piece so there was a lot of pride when we presented the items to the recipients on the last day of class.” Each representative shared with the kids their organization’s mission, as well as thanked them for their contributions, creativity, and generosity. Students received sunglasses from Lutheran and, as a special treat; NLOL brought a rabbit, a tortoise, a black lab puppy, and a French bulldog to meet the children. Caption: Pictured are students from JCC’s Kids’ College, “Craft it Forward” class after presenting their donated items along with community organization representatives from Lutheran, New Leash On Life, St. Susan Center, and UCAN City Mission.