Out with the Old, in with the New.

2019 RE-CAP

A lot has happened in 2019 here at the UCAN City Mission.

  • Structural face lift – There were masonry repairs made to some of the exterior and the entire facade of the building was painted and given an updated fresh new look.
  • Changes in leadership – Scott Linden, the Executive Director that UCAN began the year with, decided to move on to what God had next for him. Therefore, our Program Director, Jeff Rotunda, stepped up into the Executive Director position and has taken on the role with zeal and a sense of purpose for the future of the shelter.
  • Board updates – We have had a number of Board members come and go this past year, but still have a tremendously supportive Board that advocates tirelessly to help the Mission progress and move forward… Thank you to all past board members for your service, and we truly appreciate the dedication of all of the current UCAN City Mission board members!
  • A New Assistant Director – Billy Witherspoon, was hired on and is beginning to fill his new role and duties within the UCAN organization, helping the Executive Director achieve efficiency and optimal performance both in the areas of guest and staff over-site.
  • Key Volunteers – Volunteers are a huge part of the mission’s success. There have been Key Volunteers present throughout this past year and without them we would not have had as nearly as successful a time managing all 19 beds throughout the ups and downs of the 2019. Thank to all of our Volunteers past, present, and future! If you would like to contact the mission about volunteering click here

We look forward to 2020 with eagerness and what is certainly an exciting bright future on the horizon. There is growth to come at the UCAN City Mission both literally and figuratively, and more lives to love and to see impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We hope that you first – pray, and second – see fit to be a part of the journey by supporting us either physically or financially as we bring hope to the hopeless, and offer a bed of rest to the weary.